Friday, August 30, 2019


Sweet 17th Birthday Party 

My birthday is on the Desember 31th 2020. I will celebrate my 17th birthday party in a café called 'Grandpa's House'. Why? because I like to go to cafe with my friend. Maybe once week. And I would like to treat my friends some foods or drinks i. The party will be held on January 10th 2021, at 8 o'clock. It's not right on my birthday because my birthday falls in holiday and if I celebrate it at that time my friends won't be able to attend the party.

Start                                         8 PM
Start to eat                               8.30 PM
Singing together                        9 PM
Take some memorable pictures  10 PM

To make the party a huge success maybe I would hire a DJ and a MC. All attendants is expected to wear black themed clothes and to come on time. See you there!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

world tournament

On Saturday, August 23rd SMAN 3 held an event called 'WORLD TOURNAMENT' for the 10th grade students. We ere gathered at the Bali Sport Field by 6.30 am. There, we must communicate in English. But, some of us aren't really fluent in English, so we communicate in mixed language, between English and Sundanese. The theme of the event was Harry Potter. My class became the Slytherine Team. As the Slytherine, we compete with the other Slytherine team, 10 Science 5. My class didn't really know much about Harry Potter, and that made my class only collected 2 clues for the last stage. The clue said that all of the member have to ask. All of our member find the hidden thing. But, when we were finding it, some seniors have to throw us with water that made us wet. Long story short, one of our member had found the thing. The thing that we find is a golden ball.


On August 17 2019, an event was held to celebrate the birthday of the Indonesian state. The first time we were doing the ceremony.  After carrying out the ceremony, we changed our clothes with sports uniforms. And then, we were guided to go to the Bali field. There we gather to compete. The competition that we participated in tug of war, passing flour with a spoon, and many other competitions. What I can learn in that day is we must maintain communication between people and always fighting.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The meaning of TAHURA is Taman Hutan Raya, Tahura located in Ir.Hj.Juanda street. There is Netherlands and Japan cave. We are recomendation Tahura because is the right place to unwind and relax to breathe fresh air in urban areas, a suitable place to bring a special family of childrens to play outdoors.In addition to having natural attractions such as japanese caves, Dutch caves, waterfalls , museums ,in tahura there is a place that is suitable for teenage children, and there are also deer breeding

Sunday, August 11, 2019


zakia: "Hallo sesil,how are you?"
sesil : " Hai jek, i'm fine."
zakia: " by the way, where are you school?"
sesil : " I went to school in 3 Senior High School Bandung. How about you?"
zakia: " We are in the same school and I be accepted in academik."
sesil : " woww amazing wow wow wow amazing. congratulation! "
zakia: " wow thank you wow wow wow thank you , by the way will you come to MARVANANTA?"
sesil :" of course, i am one of the commitee members."
zakia: " wowwww!!! OMG, I have to go to grandpa's house"
sesil :" okey nice to meet you"
zakia:" nice to meet you too, byee"

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hallo everyone my name is Cecillia Silvia Puspitadewi. You can called me Sesil. I live in Bandung at Jalan Nias block D2 NO. 119. I'm 15 years old now.I like to hangout with my friend. Sometimes, i ilke to go to cafe with my friends. I studied in Saint Angela Junior High School. And now I am in 3 Senior High School Bandung.  I'am interested in music, sport and desain. My favorite music is Jazz. Because his song so suitable for teenagers. I have always been good at sport. I like playing volly in saturday with my friends at Saint Angela School. But now in saturday i have to go to 3 SHS for following the school lesson.

I have a little sister-Melan. She is 9 years old. She like swimming, but i didn't like it. Because i can't swin. Even i can't flots. Actually she is very naughty and lazy.