Sunday, August 25, 2019

world tournament

On Saturday, August 23rd SMAN 3 held an event called 'WORLD TOURNAMENT' for the 10th grade students. We ere gathered at the Bali Sport Field by 6.30 am. There, we must communicate in English. But, some of us aren't really fluent in English, so we communicate in mixed language, between English and Sundanese. The theme of the event was Harry Potter. My class became the Slytherine Team. As the Slytherine, we compete with the other Slytherine team, 10 Science 5. My class didn't really know much about Harry Potter, and that made my class only collected 2 clues for the last stage. The clue said that all of the member have to ask. All of our member find the hidden thing. But, when we were finding it, some seniors have to throw us with water that made us wet. Long story short, one of our member had found the thing. The thing that we find is a golden ball.

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